On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Waterlandlaan: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Waterlandlaan Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive Parking - 45m - Waterlandlaan Parking - 208m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 122 Parking - 196m - - public access - no fee Markerkade Parking - 398m - - public access - no fee Geulenstraat, 103 Parking - 378m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 37 Parking - 244m - - public access - no fee Gorslaan, 71 Parking - 267m - - public access - no fee Gorslaan, 73 Parking - 291m - - public access - no fee Gorslaan, 75 Parking - 330m - - public access - no fee Gorslaan, 79 Parking - 355m - - public access - no fee Gorslaan, 82 Parking - 380m - - public access - no fee Gorslaan, 84 Parking - 351m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 35 Parking - 334m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 33 Parking - 228m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 5 Parking - 194m - Vijverstraat Parking - 294m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 25 Parking - 273m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 21 Parking - 289m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 4 Parking - 309m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 6 Parking - 330m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 9 Parking - 367m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 11 Parking - 246m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 96 Parking - 244m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 96 Parking - 392m - - public access - no fee Slenkstraat, 60 Parking - 333m - Slenkstraat, 66 Parking - 204m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 120 Parking - 284m - Waterlandlaan Parking - 398m - - public access - no fee Slenkstraat Parking - 389m - - public access - no fee Poelstraat, 2 Parking - 174m - Gorslaan, 60E Parking - 122m - - NMT Shipping Broekerhof Parking - 108m - - public access - fee Waterlandlaan, 85 Parking - 117m - Broekerhof Parking - 314m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 29 Parking - 246m - - public access - no fee Vijverstraat, 15 Parking - 350m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 10 Parking - 232m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 126 Parking - 249m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 1 Parking - 269m - - public access - no fee Spaarbekkenkade, 2 Parking - 71m - - public access - no fee Broekerhof Parking - 99m - - public access - fee Katwoudestraat Parking - 97m - - public access - fee Katwoudestraat, 1 Parking - 143m - - Evean Waterlandlaan, 83 Parking - 203m - Broekerhof, 33 Parking - 162m - Broekerhof, 23 Parking - 131m - - Waterland Accountant Adviseurs;ITSD Broekerhof Parking - 95m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 6 Parking - 101m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 81 Parking - 76m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 91 Parking - 78m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 12 Parking - 58m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 22 Parking - 58m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 28 Parking - 70m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 103 Parking - 122m - - public access - fee Markerkade, 34 Parking - 193m - - public access - fee Markerkade, 50 Parking - 279m - - public access - fee Purmerweg, 84 Parking - 193m - - public access - no fee Broekerhof Parking - 177m - - public access - no fee Broekerhof Parking - 166m - - public access - no fee Broekerhof, 9 Parking - 189m - - public access - no fee Broekerhof, 14 Parking - 208m - - public access - no fee Broekerhof Parking - 288m - - public access - fee Jisperstraat, 38 Parking - 222m - - public access - fee De Oeverlanden, 184 Parking - 316m - - public access - fee Jisperstraat, 30 Parking - 260m - - public access - fee Rijperhof, 2 Parking - 277m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 9 Parking - 263m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 15 Parking - 241m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 23 Parking - 221m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 27 Parking - 238m - - public access - fee Rijperhof, 2 Parking - 217m - - public access - fee Rijperhof Parking - 199m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 29 Parking - 128m - - public access - fee Katwoudestraat Parking - 152m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat Parking - 170m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 29 Parking - 189m - - public access - fee De Oeverlanden, 190 Parking - 193m - - public access - fee De Oeverlanden, 198 Parking - 212m - - public access - fee De Oeverlanden, 204 Parking - 230m - - public access - fee De Oeverlanden, 208 Parking - 304m - - public access - fee Purmerweg Parking - 380m - - public access De Oeverlanden, 292 Parking - 344m - - private access Purmerweg Parking - 138m - - private access Ilpendamstraat Parking - 159m - - Waterlandhuis Katwoudestraat Parking - 263m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan Parking - 304m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 92 Parking - 289m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan, 94 Parking - 392m - - public access - no fee Slenkstraat, 64 Parking - 100m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 2 Parking - 313m - - public access - no fee Waterlandlaan Parking - 389m - Waterlandplein Parking - 335m - - public access - fee Waterlandplein Parking - 380m - - public access - no fee De Oeverlanden, 176 Parking - 365m - - public access - fee De Oeverlanden Parking - 332m - - public access - fee Jisperstraat Parking - 332m - - public access - fee Jisperstraat Parking - 316m - - public access - fee Jisperstraat, 22 Parking - 315m - - public access - fee Jisperstraat, 12 Parking - 330m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat, 2 Parking - 329m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat, 2 Parking - 399m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat Parking - 364m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat, 2 Parking - 377m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat Parking - 385m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat Parking - 346m - Zonnelaan Parking - 392m - - public access - no fee Zonnelaan, 9 Parking - 313m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 1 Parking - 312m - - public access - fee Ilpendamstraat, 1 Parking - 348m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat, 2 Parking - 352m - - public access - fee Zeevangstraat, 2 parking space - 98m - - TotalEnergies Katwoudestraat, 1 parking space - 220m - Waterlandlaan, 108 parking space - 218m - - private access Waterlandlaan, 108 parking space - 110m - - private access Waterlandlaan, 85 parking space - 98m - - TotalEnergies Katwoudestraat, 1 parking space - 107m - - private access Markerkade, 30 parking space - 203m - - private access Broekerhof, 17 parking space - 342m - Waterlandplein parking space - 339m - Waterlandplein, 1 Gas station - 515mShell Express - Shell Waterlandlaan, 109 Purmerend Parking Entrance - 291m - De Oeverlanden, 203 Parking Entrance - 350m - De Oeverlanden, 145Other Charging Station - 98m - - TotalEnergies - public access Katwoudestraat, 1 Shelter - 181m - Gorslaan Shelter - 351m - Waterlandlaan Shelter - 247m - Gorslaan Shelter - 234m - Waterlandlaan Shelter - 229m - Gorslaan, 12 Waste Basket - 104m - Broekerhof Waste Basket - 215m - Broekerhof, 27 Waste Basket - 337m - Diephof, 8 Waste Basket - 174m - Gorslaan Fountain - 509m - Spaarbekkenkade office-financial - 167mDe Hypotheek Shop Gorslaan, 41 1441RG Purmerend Phone: +31 299 424 225 Email: purmerend550@hypotheekshop.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:30 office-financial - 375mBontjes Slenkstraat, 64 1441MS Purmerend Phone: +31 299 479 613 Email: info@bontjes.nl office-financial - 374mHeeres Assurantiën Slenkstraat, 60 1441MS Purmerend Phone: +31 299 393 322 Email: info@heeres.nl office-financial - 366mErnest Financiële Diensten Slenkstraat, 64A 1441MS Purmerend Phone: +31 299 700 200 Email: info@ernestfd.nl office-financial - 365mNIB Group Waterlandlaan, 80 1441MR Purmerend Phone: +31 88 122 2200;+31 88 122 2222 Fax: +31 88 122 2201;+31 88 122 2223 Email: info@nibincasso.nl;incasso@nibincasso.nl office-accountant - 174mWaterland Accountants & Adviseurs Gorslaan, 18 1441RG Purmerend Phone: +31 299 434 561 Fax: +31 299 433 561 Email: info@watacc.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00 office-accountant - 300mKoelman Administratie en Belastingen Waterlandlaan, 92 1441MR Purmerend Phone: +31 299 437 311 office-accountant - 280mScheffel Accountancy Waterlandlaan, 94 1441MR Purmerend office-accountant - 246mJAN© Waterlandlaan, 96 1441MR Purmerend office-accountant - 371mAlfa Accountants en Adviseurs Slenkstraat, 70 1441MS Purmerend office-estate_agent - 175mHoekstra en van Eck Gorslaan, 40 1441RG Purmerend Phone: +31 299 472 021 Email: purmerend@hoekstravaneck.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:30; Sa 10:00-15:00 open "by_appointment" office-estate_agent - 310mJE Vastgoed Waterlandlaan, 90 1441MR Purmerend Phone: +31 299 250 640 Email: ifno@je-vastgoed.nl office-estate_agent - 231mVan Overbeek Broekerhof, 28 Phone: +31 299 428 898 Email: purmerend@vanoverbeek.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-17:30 || "by_appointment" office-estate_agent - 329mHoekstra en Van Eck Waterlandlaan, 88 1441MR Purmerend Phone: +31 299 472 021 Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:30; Sa 10:00-15:00 open "by_appointment" office-lawyer - 195mAdvocatenkantoor Mr G. Martin Waterlandlaan Phone: +31 299 396 490 Fax: +31 299 396 489 Social Facility - 145mMEE Waterlandlaan, 83 1441RS Purmerend Phone: +31 299 748 125 Email: purmerendbeemster@mee-az.nl Social Facility - 198mOpen Opname Zaanstreek/Waterland - Parnassia Ilpendamstraat, 29 1441ZE Purmerend Social Facility - 370mAmbulant Waterland - Parnassiagroep Waterlandplein, 1 1441RP Purmerend Social Facility - 349mAOP Zeevangstraat - Algemeen Opvangcentrum Purmerend Zeevangstraat, 2 1441WZ Purmerend Phone: +31 6 82096790 Opening hours: 08:00-20:00 Veterinary - 243mDierenkliniek Waterland Waterlandlaan, 102 1441RW Purmerend Phone: +31 299 435 674 Email: info@dierenkliniekwaterland.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-13:30; Sa 10:00-13:00 office-yes - 168mNMT Shipping Gorslaan, 30 1441RG Purmerend Phone: +31 299 480 640 Fax: +31 299 480 649 Email: netherlands@nmtshipping.com office-insurance - 235mAVéWé Gorslaan, 12 Phone: +31 299 775 555 Email: info@avewe.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 09:00-17:00 open "by_appointment" waste disposal - 111m - Markerkade, 31 waste disposal - 115m - Markerkade, 33 waste disposal - 119m - Markerkade, 33 waste disposal - 332m - Jisperstraat waste disposal - 216m - Broekerhof waste disposal - 214m - Broekerhof waste disposal - 336m - Zeevangstraat, 2 Recycling - 108m - Markerkade, 30 Recycling - 224m - Broekerhof Recycling - 334m - Zeevangstraat, 2 Recycling - 338m - Zeevangstraat, 2 office-company - 152mBose Nederland Gorslaan, 60 1441RG Purmerend Phone: +31 299 390 111 Email: sales_support_nl@bose.com office-association - 71mNederlandse Rode Kruis Zaanstreek-Waterland Waterlandlaan, 101 1441RT Purmerend Phone: +31 299 660 399 shop-dentures - 68mwebsite Waterlandlaan, 99a 1441RT Purmerend Phone: +31 299 750 507 Email: info@tppmak.nl Opening hours: Mo-Fr 08:30-17:00 Vending Machine - 93m - Ilpendamstraat, 107 Vending Machine - 337m - De Oeverlanden, 115 Vending Machine - 324m - Waterlandplein office-financial_advisor - 366mWorp Advies Slenkstraat, 66 1441MS Purmerend Phone: +31 299 471 947 Email: info@worpadvies.nl Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with