On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Pinashof: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Pinashof Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Automotive parking space - 136m - Fluitschiplaan, 361 parking space - 396m - Meester Overtoompad parking space - 349m - Windjammersingel, 13 parking space - 137m - Fluitschiplaan, 361 parking space - 253m - Katschiplaan, 101 parking space - 244m - Katschiplaan, 101 parking space - 352m - Windjammersingel, 11 parking space - 354m - Windjammersingel, 9 parking space - 386m - Prinses Máximaplein parking space - 388m - Prinses Máximastraat parking space - 393m - Prinses Máximastraat parking space - 397m - Ypenburgse Stationsweg parking space - 393m - Prinses Máximastraat parking space - 389m - Prinses Máximastraat parking space - 385m - Prinses Máximastraat parking space - 385m - Prinses Máximastraat parking space - 389m - Prinses Máximaplein Parking - 64m - - private access Fregatsingel, 101 Parking - 265m - - private access Korvethof Parking - 332m - Windjammersingel, 21 Parking - 321m - Windjammersingel, 27 Parking - 390m - Veenweg Parking - 390m - Veenweg Parking - 388m - Veenweg Parking - 296m - Veenweg Parking - 175m - - private access Barkashof Parking - 170m - - private access Barkashof Parking - 120m - Katschiplaan, 121 Parking - 115m - Fregatsingel, 81 Parking - 71m - - private access Fluitschiplaan Parking - 136m - Fluitschiplaan, 361 Parking - 80m - Fregatsingel, 93 Parking - 70m - Fregatsingel, 99 Parking - 204m - - private access Korvethof, 6 Parking - 188m - - private access Koggehof Parking - 303m - Fregatsingel, 43 Parking - 247m - Fregatsingel, 53 Parking - 213m - Fregatsingel, 65 Parking - 179m - Fregatsingel, 71 Parking - 198m - Katschiplaan, 107 Parking - 372m - Fregatsingel, 31 Parking - 338m - Fregatsingel, 37 Parking - 298m - - private access Fluitschiplaan Parking - 352m - Windjammersingel, 11 Parking - 362m - Windjammersingel, 5 Parking - 288m - Fluitschiplaan, 267 Parking - 238m - - private access Windjammersingel, 75T Parking - 307m - - private access Damloperhof Parking - 322m - - private access Katschiplaan, 58 Parking - 379m - Brigantijnlaan, 321 Parking - 399m - Brigantijnlaan, 305 Parking - 391mP&R Station Ypenburg - Gemeente Den Haag - no fee Prinses Maximaplein 2496XA 's-GravenhageOther Charging Station - 143m - - Gemeente Den Haag - public access - fee Fluitschiplaan, 361 Charging Station - 398m - - Samenwerkende Gemeenten Zuid-Holland - public access - fee Veenweg, 30 Charging Station - 247m - - Gemeente Den Haag - public access - fee Katschiplaan, 101 Charging Station - 348m - - Gemeente Den Haag - public access - fee Windjammersingel, 13 Charging Station - 392m - - Gemeente Den Haag - public access - fee Ypenburgse Stationsweg Charging Station - 384m - - Gemeente Den Haag - public access - fee Ypenburgse Stationsweg Charging Station - 390m - - Gemeente Den Haag - public access - fee Prinses Máximaplein Recycling - 93m - Fluitschiplaan, 72 Recycling - 362m - - Avalex Maria van Wilsveenhof, 56 Recycling - 308m - Windjammersingel, 66 Recycling - 315m - Windjammersingel, 66 Recycling - 289m - Windjammersingel, 43 Recycling - 148m - Katschiplaan, 157 Recycling - 146m - Katschiplaan, 115 Recycling - 152m - Katschiplaan, 157 Recycling - 142m - Fregatsingel, 79 Recycling - 134m - Fluitschiplaan, 361 Recycling - 119m - Katschiplaan, 143 Recycling - 118m - Katschiplaan, 141 Recycling - 275m - Fregatsingel, 51 Recycling - 150m - Katschiplaan, 115 Recycling - 338m - Katschiplaan, 52 Recycling - 282m - Katschiplaan, 67 Recycling - 312m - Windjammersingel, 33 Recycling - 310m - Windjammersingel, 66 Recycling - 311m - Windjammersingel, 66 Recycling - 313m - Windjammersingel, 66 Recycling - 384m - Fluitschiplaan, 247 Recycling - 318m - Windjammersingel, 66 Waste Basket - 36m - Fregatsingel, 107 Waste Basket - 141m - Katschiplaan, 130 Waste Basket - 135m - Katschiplaan, 119 Waste Basket - 106m - Katschiplaan, 141 Waste Basket - 272m - Fregatsingel, 51 Waste Basket - 143m - Fregatsingel, 79 Waste Basket - 95m - Katschiplaan, 152 Waste Basket - 237m - Korvethof, 13 Waste Basket - 210m - Barkashof, 13 employment agency offices - 468mStar Apple Fluitschiplaan, 179 2496XW 's-Gravenhage Phone: +31 88 321 8123 Email: info@starapple.nl waste disposal - 440m - Brigantijnlaan, 301 Shelter - 589m - Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with